Jonathan G. - (#1815)

Jonathan Gaietto Primary Photo
Age: 38: Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5' 10" Weight: 155.00 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
City: Cincinnati Union Status: Union
Services: Actor, Print

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Jonathan D Gaietto is an actor who was born in Southern California and raised in the midwest. He received his Bachelors from the University of Cincinnati where he studied psychology. Over the role his education played "The study of Psychology allowed me the perfect avenue to acquire the tools I needed in understanding the nature of human beings, their emotions, their defects and every other thing I would ever need in developing the characters I play." (Gaietto, J., 2012) Please keep a look out for some of my most recent work including the feature film Dog Eat Dog (2016) staring Nicholas Cage, Willem Dafoe where I play a store manager. My Brothers Keeper (2016) A modern Feature film adaptation of Wilhelm Shakespeare's Macbeth, where I play Macbeth. Willa's Peach a SAG-AFTRA short (2016) with Samara Lee, Ken Strunk, Daniel Britt where I play a disheveled vagabond. Also known for Abc's Final Witness "A Mothers Revenge" (2012) Where I played the lead, The retelling of Andrew Dotson's story. "To Live and Die and To Create" - CocoRosie Sent from my iPhone

Jonathan Gaietto's Demos Reel

Jonathan Gaietto's Demos Reel consists of his commercial work, television appearances and film projects.

Jonathan Gaietto Demo Reel

Jonathan Gaietto Demo Reel

theatrical demo reel

commercial demo reel