Carly W. - (#5088)

Carly Wheeler Primary Photo
Age: 27: Ethnicity: Caucasian
Height: 5' 10" Weight: 160.00 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green
City: Cincinnati Union Status: Non-Union
Services: Actor, Voice Over, Model, Hand Model, Print, Singer

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Carly Wheeler is an experienced actor, singer and model in the Dayton, OH area. She has both comedy and drama chops, with credits in film, commercial, and theatre. Carly is trained in improvisational acting, and spent a year touring around the midwest and Scotland with an improvisational theatre troupe. In addition to on-screen and on-stage acting, she is a VoiceOver and radio artist. Her voice can be heard on podcasts, radio shows, feature films and short films. She has a passion for storytelling and is always seeking ways to improve her craft.

Carly Wheeler Film/Commercial Reel